Monday, June 24, 2013

To Live Supernaturally, Live Well Naturally

The very next day they began to eat unleavened bread and roasted grain harvested from the land. No manna appeared on the day they first ate from the crops of the land, and it was never seen again. So from that time on the Israelites ate from the crops of Canaan. (Joshua 5:11, 12 NLT)

Someone has said that even though God gives birds their food, He doesn't throw it into their nests. They still have to go out and look for it. If they don't, they die. A miracle is an act of God's mercy that temporarily suspends or augments the laws of nature in order for God to carry out his will on earth or in the lives of his people. God delights in doing miracles when it is needed but his preferred method is that we learn to live successfully cooperating with the laws that he established in nature from the beginning.

Although, he sustained Isreal miraculously for forty years in the wilderness by raining manna and quails from heaven, as soon as they got to Canaan and ate of the crops of the land, the manna ceased. From then on, Isreal had to farm their own food working the laws of seedtime and harvest that God established in nature from the beginning ( Gen 8:22). He provided daily bread for them for 40 years because that was the only way for the thousands of people to be fed for all those years in the wilderness. But immediately they got to the promised land where they could eat of the produce, God expected them to do their part.

It is foolishness to pray for a miracle when there are natural laws that you are yet to leverage. Don't pray for a miracle job, if you are unwilling to first go out and look for one, to put out your résumé, to volunteer,to prepare for your interview or to be better trained. Don't pray for miracle health when you willingly go on violating God's law of rest, nutrition, movement and healthy habits. God wants you to put your finances in order: earning, giving, saving ,investing, budgeting and planning. Yes, he will do miracles to get you out the hole or fix that you have gotten yourself into but after then, he wants you to start living by his laws in nature. Have you noticed that when Jesus would heal some people, he would tell them to go and sin no more, otherwise a worse thing would come on them. God's miracles are purposeful. They are either to deliver his people from things that are beyond them in order to give them a clean start or to show his power to those who don't know him. They are to augment our obedience of his principles in nature not to replace them.

Work hard. Don’t settle for a manna - dependent life. That is not God's ultimate will for you. Giants may be in the land but your greatest accomplishments will come through hard work and diligent effort. Learn the laws and principles God has packaged in his creation. Obey those laws. Exploit them. Do your part. When you've done your part and it is not enough, that's when a miracle is moral. It is when man has reached his limits that God takes over. God will not do for you what you can do for yourself. God takes over when you can't make it over. Don't expect the miracle until you have exhausted your natural resources. This is why you should be diligent. You should keep learning. You should creatively think and keep on improving yourself in the natural. You should learn to manage earth's resources because that is the way to live consistently supernaturally. God is not short on miracles. Are you short on milking - that is, of the natural resources around you?

Decision of the Day

I understand that miracles are real and God delights in performing them but his preference is that I live consistently in harmony with the natural laws. God will perform miracles for me when needed but I will harness the natural laws around me daily. I will do what I can do and let God do what I cannot do.

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