Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Conquering Fear and Intimidation

No wonder our hearts have melted in fear! No one has the courage to fight after hearing such things... (Joshua 2:11 NLT)

Psychological warfare is a proven age-old technique in wars. From the tactics of Alexander the Great to Hitler's propaganda machine to "Shock and Awe," opponents have tried to control the attitudes, emotions and beliefs of their enemies in other to ensure their defeat even before the battle.The object of psychological warfare is to condition the opponent for defeat through words, actions or other means. The technique is even employed in sports. Mohammad Ali, the legendary former heavy weight boxing champion was known to set up his opponents for defeat long before fights by boasting and taunting them, predicting the round he would knock them out. He boasted about his ability to " sting like a bee and flutter like a butterfly. " Most of the time, he did.

Satan uses this technique too to defeat believers. His method is to bombard you with words, thoughts or images that make you fearful, thus draining you of your courage. Words of fear deplete your courage. When you are discouraged you lose your ability to fight. You become incapacitated. Satan's psychological technique, unlike in our text from the book of Joshua, is based on lies. His method is propaganda through deceptions and lies. He exaggerates conditions, manipulates situations and circumstances, creates false evidences all with the aim of filling you with fear and thus stopping you in your tracks.

Someone has said FEAR is an acrostic for "False Evidences Appearing Real." The situation appears as an intimidating obstacle but when confronted by courageous action even in the face of fear, it turns out to be a smokescreen. Satan appears like a rearing lion but in truth is only a timid creature who would flee when resisted in faith ( I Peter 5:8,9).

Are you being intimidated and scared by something in your life now? Do you feel defeated already? If you do, you are probably listening to the wrong words, saying the wrong things, looking at the wrong pictures and thinking the wrong thoughts. Choose to change your word intake and focus. As Ulysses Grant said, "There are always more of the the enemy until they are counted." Face your fears and see them as the lies and scare tactics they are. What you face may seem intimidating but it isn't as big as your God. If fear words can melt the heart in fear, then the faith-filled words of God can solidify the heart in faith. It is your choice what you choose to hear and fear. Today, fill yourself with the word of God. Memorize the passages that speak to your fear. Encourage yourself in the Lord until you are like the persons spoken about in the psalms: "They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly." (Psalms 112:7, 8 NLT).

Decision of the Day

I refuse to be manipulated by the enemy's propaganda. I choose to fix my heart on God's word. I will be courageous.

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