Friday, June 21, 2013

Pass It On

So Joshua circumcised their sons—those who had grown up to take their fathers’ places—for they had not been circumcised on the way to the Promised Land. (Joshua 5:7 NLT)

The European Commission regularly conducts public opinion studies aimed at gauging the perceptions of the citizens of member countries on various issues. In one of its studies, the Eurobarometer Survey for the year 2005, it found that though majority of Europeans profess belief in a higher power, fewer believe explicitly the Christian God. Also in many places in Europe, societal structures, buildings and Cathedrals that once epitomized the dominance of Christianity have being altered to accommodate other uses. Europe, especially the Western parts is often referred to as Post Christian - meaning that the values, worldviews and culture that dominate are not rooted in its historical Christian heritage. This is amazing because this was the same Europe that sent great Christian missionaries to various parts of the world in past generations and Christianized the world.

How did this happen? Somewhere along the line a generational chain was broken. A particular generation failed to pass its values to the upcoming one. They failed to transfer their covenant with God to the next one. Some believe that the same trend is going on in America now.

Joshua was generationally aware. In our text, we see a picture that speaks to this. Joshua, noting that a majority of the past generation that were circumcised by Moses had died off and a new generation had taken their place, immediately began to circumcise the males of the new generation. The circumcision was a sign of the covenant that they had with God- the one transferred to them from Abraham their forefather. The circumcision of a new generation marked the continuation of the same covenant and its benefits in that generation.

God works generationally. It has never been his choice to restart again in a new generation. Rather, he continues. That is why we have so many passages of the bible encouraging the discipleship and training of the next generation. God wants continuity. He wants to build on what he is doing in your life now in the lives and times of those succeeding you. He wants your faith to form the foundation of the faith of the upcoming ones. Paul told Timothy:

"I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. "(2 Timothy 1:5, 6 NLT)

Timothy was to fan into flame what he had received from both his natural and spiritual heritage- his grandmother and mother and then Paul. He was to build on legacy.

You need to leave a legacy too. You need to pour into your natural and spiritual children. You need to introduce the next generation to the covenant you have with God. Success without succession is failure. No matter what you accomplish, if there is no continuity after you are gone, it is a failure. Take the time today to think on this. Who is your successor? Who are your heirs? Who are your children and disciples? What is your legacy going to be? Who will take the baton from you? Are you pointing them to what you have learned in God? Are you investing in them? It is time for you to begin your own legacy project of "circumcising" hearts of the next generation. After you, your faith will blossom in many others.

Decision of the Day

I choose to begin my own legacy project today. I will pay more attention to proactively discipling the next generation. I will start making this worthy investment.

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