Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” (Joshua 3:5 NIV)
In order to prevent disappointment, some psychologists now advice people to maintain low expectations for their lives. In a New York Times' article, a study found out that Denmark was the happiest nation in the world. More than two-third of Danes reported that the were very happy. Why? Because they expected little out of life so they hardly get disappointed. While this may be a good practice to curb unrealistic runaway expectation and fantasy, the danger of such an approach is that it leads to a life of little progress and accomplishment. It is often better to attempt and fail than to not attempt at all or to attempt too little. A better way to live is to live with high expectations anchored in God's love for you.
In our text, Joshua told the people to prepare because God was going to do amazing things among them. Imagine how the people felt when they went to bed that night and when they woke up the next day. Some might have been unable to sleep for excitement of what was going to happen the next day. One could imagine little children chattering excitedly through the night wondering about awesome things that would be happening the next day and everyone jumping out of bed with excitement the next morning. Joshua's declaration must have charged everyone with expectations.
God still does amazing things and he wants to do wonderfully, impossibly awesome things in your own life. Ephesians 3:20 says he is " to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine..." God still springs surprises. He still performs miracles. He still makes a way where there seems to be none. He still parts Jordans and Red Seas because He is the same unchanging God. To have such a great and awesome God and live with low expectations is an injustice to his love and grace. Read through the bible, especially the gospels, God never castigated those who put high expectations in his abilities and love to do amazing things in their lives but he had strict words of disapproval for those who approached him with little faith.
Hope in God never disappoints. So, dust your "hoper" today and start expecting amazing from God. Don't let accumulated disappointments, the memories of being let down in the past, the crushed dreams of yesteryears, or the unfulfilled desires that have coagulated with the tick tock of time cause you to settle to a life that expects nothing good or nothing much. God still does amazing. He loves you and wants to do unbelievable, phenomenal, amazing, surprising things in your life, beyond your wildest dreams. Will you let him?
Decision of the Day
I will not live with low expectations. I will put my hope in God. I will expect amazing things from the awesome God who loves me.
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