"So Moses thought, I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up." (Exodus 3:3 NIV)
Curiosity may have "killed a cat" but it has also changed the world and delivered the more developed world we live in right now to us. Can you imagine how the world will be if no one had been curious enough to explore the unknown world, tap into the secrets of electricity, study birds in flight to get men in the air, or study the anatomy of humans and the essence of diseases in order to promote health. Progress has always come riding on the bent back of the question mark. It is those who ask questions and listen who learn, not those who do all the talking.
Curiosity, though it sometimes gets some in trouble, is a divine gift God has put into the heart of His creations. One of the signs of healthy babies is the exercise of their curiosity. They are innocent investigators, pure inquirers and scientists without having gone through any prior training. They respond to an innate urge to know just for the sake of knowing.
In our text today, Moses' curiosity got the best of him and landed him at a holy spot where God was waiting and where his great ministry was born.
How about you? Are you asking questions or accepting your world as it is? Are you spiritually curious? Do you accept the situations in your life as fixtures or do you seek to find what the will of God is concerning them? If a bush was burning around you like Moses saw, would you ignore it? Would you denounce it as fanaticism or sensationalism or investigate to see if God is really behind it like Moses did? Do you denounce happenings in order churches or denominations that do not fit your mold or do you seek the truth out? Has it ever come to your mind that maybe that healing evangelist you so despise might have God in the background fueling the fire? Or that that church with the seeming emotionalism may be exhibiting God's combustive act?
Curiosity is a gift from God. It should be properly used. Develop the habit of investigating. Obey the injunction of scripture to "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." ( 1 Thess 5:21).
Become a man or woman on a quest. Look deeper into things. Think deeper about things. Ask questions. Challenge conventions and norms. Investigate claims. Open your mind wide. There is a whole lot you do not know yet that God wants to show you and sometimes it is what you feel you know already that becomes your greatest hindrance. God has created a lot in nature and put a lot in His word and other people that your whole life will not be enough to explore them. So remain like a little child. Not gullible but curious. Retain your fascination about the things God has done and is doing. Then just like Moses, you may just meet God and your calling at the end of the trail of one of your quests.
Decision of the Day
I understand that curiosity is a gift of God. It is inborn in me. It is how change and growth is born. I will not lose my curiosity. I will not be afraid of learning, exploring and investigating. I will not live with a closed mind. Just like Moses, I will turn around to see the why's behind the strange sights around me.
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