Moreover He said, “I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God. (Exodus 3:6 NKJV)
The natural order of things is for the creator to name his invention as he wills, sometimes giving it his own name. So the Ford company is named after its founder and the George Foreman grill after its popular inventor. However, it is not often seen for a creator to name himself after his creation.
That was why it was first a puzzle to me when I would read God’s introduction about Himself in our text today. The great God of the universe chose to permanently tag Himself with the names of fallen men, and wears the tag proudly, it reads," I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."
It is like a great king appending his name with that of his subjects and using it proudly, or a father calling himself by his children's names. It is sure a sign of total identification and acceptance.
Then a little study of scripture also shows that not only did He take on their names, He also gave them His own name. So as He was the God of Abraham, Abraham was also Abraham of God Most high.
It is then obvious that this name was a demonstration of God's covenant keeping nature. Through the blood covenant, He had willingly bound Himself forever with Abraham and His descendants to be their God forever. God had stooped low to meet with fallen humanity at his level and offered a hand of loving commitment to lift humanity up to His level.
This brings to mind what Jesus did with us. He left the glories of heaven and came to sinful earth to live with us. He took on your nature so that you could have access to His righteousness. He felt what you feel and lived where you live. He took on the name of a man and has offered to you His own name and privileges. And it is written, He did it all without a hint of shame,
But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them. (Hebrews 11:16 NKJV)
Take this as a great encouragement for today. It is a message of your acceptance before Him. Despite your weaknesses and shortcomings, He doesn’t blush when He mentions your name. He has no intention of issuing a disclaimer about you. He is putting no distance between Himself and you. In fact, He wears your tag on His sleeve proudly. He fully identifies with you. He is like that father who displays the sticker proudly on his car, proclaiming to all that He is the father of an honor student at Riverdale High.
Yes, you sometimes fall short. Yes, you sometimes stumble, but think of this. If God can call Himself the God of a Swindler, which is what "Jacob" means, He surely can call Himself your God.
Decision of the Day
I praise God today and always because He is not ashamed of me. He fully identifies with my weaknesses and shortcomings and proudly accepts me as I am in His son. He calls me by His own name. He sees His righteousness in me. Forever by His blood He has bound Himself to me, never to leave me or forsake me.
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