Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5 NKJV)
The word "protocol" is a combination of two Greek words: "Proto," meaning first, and "colon," meaning glued. The "glued" part of the word comes from Greek tradition, mandating diplomatic correspondences to have a summary of the message inside glued to the outside of their packages so that the receiver can quickly read that first.
Since those early days, the concept of protocols has become pervasive. Every important place has certain protocols that must be observed for entrance and passage. There are specific titles that must be used to address certain individuals and particular ways one must conduct oneself in their presence. For example, the following is a list of protocols when meeting with the queen of England according to
1. When spoken to or addressing her for the first time, use “Your Majesty' and afterwards use ma'am.
2. Women should curtsy and men should nod their heads.
3. If the Queen offers a hand, the handshake should be short and not hard.
4. Allow the Queen to leave the room first; backs should never be turned toward the Queen, unless it absolutely cannot be helped.
5. During meals, the Queen eats first and when she stops, the others at the table stop. Eat what is served and do not request anything more or less.
6. Do not go to the restroom during a meal unless it is an absolute, have-to-go situation. Discreetly ask where the lavatory or loo is located and make it fast. It is best to cross the legs and suffer through if possible.
7. An important to do when meeting royalty is to exchange gifts.
God's holy presence also demands certain protocols. God told Moses to take his sandals off. This was and still is a sign of humility and reverence in the East. The soles of shoes represent the dirt of the world. To insult someone in that culture, all you need to do is to show them the soles of your shoes.
You are not required to remove your shoes, but you are required to observe the protocol of reverence in God's presence. You are to show Him respect by separating yourself from all filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit( 2 Cor 7:1,2). You are to approach Him with humility, worship, thanksgiving and the offerings of your precious treasures. As you make this your practice, you will begin to enjoy the reward of abiding by protocols, which is favor and access to the deeper manifestations of God.
Decision of the Day
I understand that the Holy Presence of God has certain protocols. I choose to honor God by respecting these protocols. I will separate from myself every filth, practicing holiness in the fear of God.
Thanks for this great devotion Pastor Lan