"Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel has come to Me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:9,10 )
The people cried. God heard their cries. His response? Find a person to send, in this case, Moses. This pattern is not just isolated to today's text, but repeats all though scriptures and history. God raises men and women and sends them to be the answers to cries reaching His ears from the mass of humanity. The pattern of God for carrying out His purposes on earth is for persons summoned and empowered by Him to be sent into areas of pain and hurt to bring His will. God uses people to help people. He uses those who heed His call to respond to humanity's calls.
God uses people to carry out His will on the earth. He calls, empowers and sends them as answers to the tears and burdens of other men. For the Gentile's cries, He calls and sends a Paul. For the people of Nineveh, a Jonah. For an ark to be built, it was a Noah. For the covenant nation to be formed, it was Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For it to be preserved from the famine that would sweep the world, He found and prepared a Joseph and summoned him to the palace. In fact, the ultimate example is Jesus Christ becoming a man in response to the cries of humanity for deliverance from sin and its consequences.
You are also an answer from God to the cry of someone. The passions He's given you, the experiences you've had, the trainings you've received, your weaknesses, your testimony, your failures, your story, your talents and your pains all intersect at some point with the predicament and desperate aspirations of someone or some persons. You are the answer from God to their desperate prayers to God. You are the cold water they seek for their thirsty souls and the bearer of glad tidings whose feet are beautiful on the mountains of their lives. .
Pray today for God to show you those people. Ask the Lord to know the question you were made to answer, the need you were created to meet and the void He sent you here to fill. Then take a look around you, because these ones are as near as the next person who asks you for a helping hand, the helpless child around the corner or the things around you that unlock your compassion and infuriate you with holy anger. Heed the call and begin the exciting life of being a co-laborer with God.
Decision of the Day
I understand that God answers the cries of humanity by sending other humans to help. I know there is a cry I am sent to answer. There is someone crying to God and I am the answer to that cry. I will respond as God call me and be willing to lend a hand to hurting people around me.
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