"Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. " (Genesis 25:21)
The author, Stormie Omartian has sold more than twelve million copies of her books including, The Power of a Praying Wife, The Power of a Praying Parent, The Power of a Praying Husband, The Power of a Praying Woman, and The Power of Praying Together. In all her books she speaks about the power of prayer to change people and situation with an emphasis on the family. A praying wife can invoke the power of God to change her husband for good and the husband can do likewise. There are many testimonies of people who have used the prayer guidelines in her books and have seen positive changes in the lives of those they prayed for. Those stories are proofs of the efficacy of prayers for loved ones.
Prayer is powerful. There is no greater way to exercise influence over the circumstances and situations you or your loved ones face than through prayer. In our text today, Isaac and Rebekah faced a situation that could have brought confusion and despair. Rebekah was barren. Isaac chose to address this situation by turning to God in prayer. God answered him and gave them twin children who were potential nations. Out of the barren situation, nations were born.
You will also be confronted with difficult situations regarding your loved ones. It might not be concerning having a child, but it may be other issues like a loved one struggling with depression, a spouse who can't seem to keep his job, an addicted loved one, a spouse who has a struggling business, a sick relative, a wayward child, or a child struggling at school. These are just a few examples. There is a myriad of negative situations that people face concerning the lives of loved ones. The good news is that, no matter what the situation is, we can do exactly what Isaac did, pray to God on behalf of our loved ones and expect Him to answer.
The answer may not come exactly packaged as you expect or manifest itself immediately you pray, but if you leave the situation in God's hands and continue to praise Him in spite of the situation, doing whatever He directs you to do about it, you will definitely see God intervening in the situation. This is because God honors the persistent prayers of His children. You will see various instances in the ministry of Jesus when people brought issues regarding their loved ones to Him. Friends brought their paralyzed buddy to Him. Mothers and fathers brought sick children. A master brought a sick servant. Peter's mother-in-law was healed etc. Jesus demonstrated over and over in all these situations that God honors the faith of his children on behalf of their loved ones.
So what is that situation going on in the life of one of your loved ones today? Rather than getting worried or complaining about the issue, take it to God in prayer. As Stormie says in her book titles, the praying woman or man has power. Use that ability. God will honor your faith on behalf of your helpless loved ones.
Decision of the Day
I decide today not to fret or worry about situations and circumstances in the lives of my loved ones. Rather I will bring them before God in prayer. I will take them to His feet and leave them in His hands. God will honor my faith and bring deliverance and solutions to the glory of His name.
Great word. Prayer changes things. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman availeth much.