"After Abraham's death, God blessed his son Isaac, who then lived near Beer Lahai Roi." (Gen 25:11)
On January 23, 1999, John Osteen, the founder of the Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas passed away to glory. Osteen got into the ministry at the age of 17 initially as a Southern Baptist minister and later as a charismatic preacher. He then started the Lakewood church in an abandoned feedstore in 1959 and labored for 40 years pastoring the church, investing heavily in world missions, helping the poor and the hurting, through television and publications etc. His life and messages touched millions all around the world. By the time of his death, the church was approximately 6000 people in numbers with an extensive TV ministry, missionary support and food distribution ministry.
At his death in 1999, some wondered who would fill his shoes and what would happen to the Lakewood Church. His son Joel who had only preached once in his life, just the week before his father's death, became the Senior Pastor of the church. The church has gone on since then to become the largest church in America with over 40,000 attendees weekly, and a TV ministry that is seen in over 100 nations, with meetings in large arena all over the world. Recently the church purchased the former Compaq Center in Houston for its worship facility. Joel Osteen has said many times that many of the blessings flowing in his life and ministry had nothing to do with Him but because God was honoring his father's obedience and service.
In our text today, the same is said of Abraham. After his death, God blessed his son Isaac. God blessed Isaac because of his father Abraham. It was a blessing that flowed down from one generation to the next.
Many are concerned about what has happened before them and what is happening currently in their lives but the really wise one, look ahead to what happens after them too. Wise men have legacy on their mind as they focus on the present. Legacy is what comes after you. "After Abraham's death, God blessed his son..." Abraham left the best legacy - that of the blessing.
How you live your life now has an effect on your children and those coming after you. You are part of chain that extends beyond your sojourn on earth. Your legacy could either be that of the blessing or the curse. After Hitler died, no one wanted to be called by that last name anymore. His living family all changed their last names. Yet others die and their families remain proud of their heritage because it keep opening doors or them.
So what is the secret of a blessed legacy? Primarily it is by living a life of obedience to God. Godliness has rewards. Doing what God tells you to do in any aspect of life is a seed that the harvest continues after you. Helping others, faithfulness in God's service, considering the poor, giving financially into kingdom causes, living a life of holiness and integrity, walking in the fear of God are all seeds for a blessed posterity. Also speak good words over your children and love them. Train them. Invest in their all-round growth. Commit them to God in prayer. You will be sowing seeds for blessed legacy. Look at the following verses of scripture:
"Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever ...They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor."( Psalm 112:1-3,9)
"Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children forever!". (Deut 5:29).
"A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous." (Proverb 13:22)
God wants to continue what He has started in your life in the lives of your children. Physical and material inheritances are good but a spiritual inheritance is better. Live with legacy on your mind. When you are about to make a decision, think about how it would affect not just the now but the future. When you feel like quitting in obeying God, remember that where you quit is where your children will have to start from. Whatever you conquer you conquer for them and whatever conquers you they will still have to fight. Win the battle for your children. Win the battle over inertia in obeying God. Win the battle over poverty. Win the battle over lust. Win the battle over alcoholism. Win it over broken marriages. The measure of your success in life is not only what you accomplished on earth but what you leave behind after you are gone. Success without succession is failure.
Decision of the Day
I understand that what comes before me or is currently in my life are not the only things that matter. What comes after me matters. My legacy is important. I choose today to leave a legacy of the blessing by obeying and honoring God in my lifetime. I will walk in my integrity, love the poor, serve my generation with goodness. I will be faithful to God. He will bless the generations after me for my obedience.
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