Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do. (Joshua 1:7 NLT)
The farmer that chases two mice at the same time will kill nada.
- An African proverb (abridged)
You are probably familiar with this experiment. A magnifying glass is used to direct the sun's ray onto a small point and then used to set a piece of paper or char word on fire. Without the magnifying glass that focuses the suns ray, you could put the same paper in the same sun but it never catches fire because ordinarily the sun's rays are scattered in various directions and are not focused enough to generate enough heat to start a fire. This is a great illustration of the power of focus.
Focus is tamed and concentrated energy. It is like the sharpened edge of a knife. It is effective for cutting because energy is focused at the blade. The more the energy is focused at the blade, the sharper the knife is. The dull knife scatters energy, hence it is not effective in cutting.
In our text, God admonishes Joshua to have laser-like focus on his commandment. He commands him to be single-minded, never deviating to the right or left. He promised him that the result would be success in all he did. Other saints practiced focus too. David said "one thing have I desired of the Lord and that I will seek after"( Psalm 27:4). Paul said "this one thing I do, forgetting the past and reaching out to what is ahead (Philippians 3:13)." Jesus set his face on Jerusalem to be crucified and refused to be crowned a king or meddle in affairs not related to his assignment. He even told his disciples to focus on the tribes of Israel when he sent them out because the time of the Gentiles would come later. He practiced focus.
Everyone in pursuit of God's purpose faces the temptation of distraction, which is another name for broken focus. The bible calls it double-mindedness and says those who yield to it are unstable in their ways and cannot receive anything from God (James 1:8). It expresses itself in several ways.
1. Trying to do too much at the same time
2. Trying to move forward, yet keeping your attention on the past
3. Keeping your attention on where others are in their God-given race rather than on your own assignment
4. Choosing leisure over work.
These are just a few examples of how focus is broken. Those who try to do everything get nothing significant done. Remember that no matter how much energy you have(and through the power of the Spirit, we have access to much abilities), until it is focused, much is not accomplished. Rather than trying to accomplish all your goals all at once, why not focus on them one at a time letting the success of one snowball into the next? Why not let go of living, looking constantly at the rear-view mirror and instead focus on creating a better future? Why not take your eyes of other people's progress or failures and focus on your assignment from God? Also, avoid those who would distract you. As you learn to live with laser-like focus, you will live a life of impact and continually make progress in God's purpose for your life.
Decision of the Day
I understand the power of focus. Rather than scatter my energy trying to do too much, focusing on the past, on others or frivolities, I choose to address my tasks one at a time until success snowballs in my life. I will be single-minded.
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