Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: "Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live." (Exodus 1:22)
When it comes to biological fruitfulness, boys represent the future life-seed carriers while girls represent the future life-seed growers. In order to produce children, both the life-seed carrier and grower are essential. Both must be present for fruitfulness to occur.
In our text today, we see Pharaoh's strategy to halt the fruitfulness of Israel- eliminate the seed carriers of the next generation and population decline will begin. He didn't have to kill both the boys and the girls, he only needed the boys to die and his plan would be assured.
Isn't that the enemy's strategy in our days. He may not attack your progress but he may attempt to take out your character. He may not attack your current result, but he will target your prayer life. He may not attack some of your relationships but he will attack the most vital ones to cut you off from them. He may not attack the worship and fellowship in a church but he may attempt to take out their zeal for evangelism. He may not stop you from having professional success, but while you are it, he may be wrecking havoc in your family.
He may not need to attack every institution in the society, just taking out marriage and family will be enough to bringing down the community. Just conquering and destroying a portion of the population, the young men, is enough to fulfill his agenda. Isn't this what is happening in America today as more and more young men are subjected to attacks of gangs, drugs, imprisonment and fatherlessness. It is the age-old strategy of the enemy.
The enemy doesn't need to target the whole of your life, he is only interested in a portion of it. He is not looking for the whole ground, he only wants a part of the territory, a foothold from which he can operate and stop your fruitfulness. So don't get carried away if a part of your life still looks healthy and growing. It is that part that is rotten, decaying and dying that you should pay attention to because if nothing his done, in the future, that part under his control might be your undoing.
That is why, the bible says, "give not place to the devil" (Eph 4:27). Give him no ground. Don't let him have any room in you life. Using Pharaoh-speak, don't let him have neither your boys or your girls. They will both be needed for your fruitfulness.
So check your life today, is there a part you have surrendered to the enemy: your character, your health, your prayer life, your covenant relationships, your family, your marriage, your self- improvement, your discipline. Remember that just as it would have had to take boys and girls for Israel to keep reproducing, it would also take a combination of what you have left and that area you surrendered to the enemy for you to be fruitful. So, reclaim back your what the enemy stole. Don't let the enemy have your boys.
Decision of the Day
I understand that fruitfulness takes all parts of my life. I will not surrender a part of it to the enemy. God will have the whole of me to use. Nothing will be held back from the Lord. Every part of my life is working together for his purpose for me.
Bless the Lord. This was an awesome writing.