"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." ( Genesis 28:15)
A promise from God is a statement you can depend on with complete confidence. Like treasures scattered all over a terrain, waiting for those who would pick them up and turn them into wealth, so are the promises of God scattered all over the pages of scriptures waiting for those who would claim them and convert them into manifestations. There are about 8,810 promises in the Bible, 7,706 in the Old Testament and 1,104 in the New Testament. Each of these promises is backed by God's faithfulness and unbending commitment. Each of them invokes His power. When trusted, nothing in the universe can stop them from coming to pass.
Our text today is one of these promises. God was speaking to fugitive Jabob about His plans for Jacob's life. He sealed His revelation to Jacob with this promise.Even though it was directed at Jacob, it is still a promise you can claim for your life. Why, because 2 Timothy 3:16,17 says " All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
All of scriptures is God breathed for your profit. What is in this promise of God to you?
1.His abiding presence." I will be with you." God has promised never to leave you or abandon you. No matter who has left you, He hasn't and will not. He is the friend closer than a brother. He sticks with His people. No matter what you are going through right now, just remember that you are not going through it alone. He is with you now.
2. His watchful eyes. God is watching over you. He is protecting you. He is guiding your path. He is keeping watch over the terrains you thread to keep away things that will harm you. He is guarding you from the malicious intents of the devil. He is watching over you whether you are awake or sleeping, at home or inside. His eyes are on you. The very hair on your head are numbered. Nothing can happen to you without His notice.
3. His orchestration: "I will bring you back." I will arrange your life in such a way that you will find yourself in my will. This is what God will do. He will order your steps, orchestrate your life into His best plans for you. He will bring you to your place, into your job, into your own marriage, your ministry etc.
4. His perseverance. "I will not leave you until I have done what I promised you." God is promising to stick with you anyway. Through your rises and your falls. Through your discouragement and tiredness. When it seems He's left you, check to see if what He said to you has happened. If it has not been fulfilled, He's still very much at work in you and for you. He will complete what He started. He will not stop halfway or leave you as an abandoned project. He will see to the end of what He's spoken to you about.
This promise is yours. Receive it. Claim it. The power of God will avail on your behalf.
Decision of the Day
I thank God for His promises over my life. I will receive, study, and meditate and claim them. They will work wonders in my life
Thank your for encouraging me with this word. May God bless you richly.